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Despite Rates, now is a great time to buy in Cranbrook BC

cases. This is a great opportunity to get a good deal on a home and start building equity. One of the biggest factors that determines how much you can afford to pay for a home is your income. Generally speaking, lenders want to see that your mortgage payments will be no more than 39% of your gross monthly income. This is known as the "debt-to-income ratio." ### Let's look at an example to see how this works in practice. Example: * Entry-level home: $234,900 * Middle-range home: $585,000 * High-end home: $949,000 To qualify for a mortgage on an entry-level home, you would need to have an annual income of at least $65,000. Based on a 4.89% interest rate and a 25-year mortgage, your monthly payments would be about $1,335. In May of 2022 your payment would have been $1263 with a listing price of $270,000. To qualify for a mortgage on a middle-range home, you would need to have an annual income of at least $135,000. Based on a 4.89% interest rate and a 25-year mortgage, your monthly payments would be about $3,300. In may of 2022 your payment would have been $3100 with a listing price of $672,550. To qualify for a mortgage on a high-end home, you would need to have an annual income of at l east $180,000. Based on a 4.89% interest rate and a 25-year mortgage, your monthly payments would be about $5,266. In May of 2022 your payment would have been $3,886 with a listing price of $1,100,00. While the new interest rates are alarming, the drop in housing prices are keeping payments in line with where they were. With a variable rate mortgage you may end up saving money should rates return to lower levels as the total paid for the home is lower. So there you have it, while the media may want to sow fear, now is a great time to buy a home because housing prices have decreased slightly, which means that your monthly mortgage payments will be lower. While you will need to have a certain level of income to qualify for a mortgage, there are options available to help make homeownership a reality for you.



Why to List Your Home Now

e. Here are a few reasons why it's a good time to list your house for sale: High demand from buyers: The current real estate market is seeing a surge in demand from buyers, which means that there are more people looking for homes than there are homes available. This competition is driving up prices and making it easier for sellers to get top dollar for their homes. Low inventory: As mentioned above, there are more buyers than there are homes available for sale. This low inventory means that your home will stand out in a crowded market, making it easier to attract interested buyers. Favorable mortgage rates: Mortgage rates are still low, which means that buyers are more likely to be able to afford a home purchase. This is good news for sellers, as it means that there are more potential buyers in the market. Spring market: Spring is traditionally a popular time for buying and selling homes, as the weather is warmer and people are more likely to be out and about. Listing your home now will put you in the best position to take advantage of this seasonal uptick in the market. Overall, the current real estate market is a great time for sellers to list their homes for sale. With high demand from buyers, low inventory, favorable mortgage rates, and a seasonal uptick in the market, there's no better time to get top dollar for your home. So if you're considering selling, don't wait – now is the time to take advantage of these favorable conditions and make your move. Give us a call today and we can help set you up with an expert Real Estate agent for a free market analysis.



Don't Let Interest Rates Scare you.

tes are just one part of the puzzle when it comes to financing your purchase. Your personal finances, expected purchase price, and down payment also play important roles. So, don't let interest rates scare you away from achieving your homeownership dreams. Instead, let's focus on your overall financial picture and make smart decisions that work for you. You might have heard that interest rates are slightly higher than previously, and that can be a bit intimidating. However, it's important to look at the bigger picture. Interest rates are only one factor in getting a mortgage. It is important to look at extra payment privileges and other features of the new mortgage, like expected penalties should you want to make changes during the term. By looking at all these aspects together, brokers can get a better idea of your financial goals and set you up for the future. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, focus on taking proactive steps to improve your financial profile. Pay your bills on time, reduce your outstanding debts, and maintain a healthy credit utilization ratio to boost your credit score. Saving up for a good down payment can also positively impact your mortgage terms and help offset any effects of higher interest rates. Remember, the decision to buy a home shouldn't be based solely on the current interest rate situation. Think about the long-term benefits of homeownership, like building equity and having a place to call your own. These advantages outweigh any temporary fluctuations in interest rates. So, instead of letting interest rates scare you off, let's approach them with confidence and knowledge. Understand that they are just one piece of the homeownership puzzle. By being proactive, considering your financial situation as a whole, and making informed choices, you'll be well-prepared to embark on your homebuying journey. Now is the perfect time to take the first step. Start the pre-approval process today, knowing that interest rates don't have to be a source of fear. Your dream of owning a home is within reach, and with careful consideration and smart decisions, it can become a reality.



Construction Draw vs. Completion Mortgages

tgage broker with a keen understanding of the Kootenay area, I'm here to guide you through the intricacies of home construction financing. In this article, we'll dive into the details of two key mortgage options: construction draw financing and completion mortgages. ### Construction Draw Financing: Balancing Control and Costs Construction draw financing is a financing approach that provides homeowners with the flexibility and control to build their dream home from the ground up. Here's a closer look at how this option works: * **Initial Approval:** Before construction begins, you secure a construction draw mortgage from a financial institution, covering the land cost and initial construction plans. This is where your build plans, income and potential down payment are assessed in a full application process. * **Draw Phases:** The funds are released in stages to the builder (draws) based on construction milestones such as land, site development, lock-up, drywall, and completion. * **Inspections and Oversight:** Inspections are performed before each draw to ensure quality and adherence to the plans. This approach requires a more hands-on involvement from you, the homeowner. And likely extra costs and expenses. * **Cost Consideration:** It's important to note that the construction draw route can be costlier and demands a larger savings cushion. You make interest-only payments on the drawn amount during construction, which adds to the overall expenses. ### Completion Mortgage: Streamlined Convenience with Savings Flexibility An alternative option is the completion mortgage, which offers a streamlined approach to home construction and financing: * **Builder Financing:** Here, once we have you approved for the mortgage based on the home plans and personal application, the builder handles both the lot purchase and home construction financing. * **Completion and Purchase:** Once the builder finishes constructing the home, you purchase the completed property with your new mortgage. * **Simplified Process:** The completion mortgage approach involves fewer steps and inspections for the homeowner, providing a smoother journey for both the homeowner and the builder. * **Savings Advantage:** Unlike the construction draw option, completion mortgages require less upfront savings. You secure the mortgage upfront, and leave a deposit with the builder, but you don't start paying the mortgage costs until you move in! ### Selecting the Right Path for You Both construction draw financing and completion mortgages have their merits and considerations. The construction draw route grants you more work and involvement in the construction process but demands a larger savings buffer. On the other hand, the completion mortgage route offers convenience, a simpler process, and a lower initial savings requirement. It's important to assess your comfort level with project management, financial readiness, and desired level of involvement in construction. As a local mortgage broker, I'm well-equipped to guide you in making an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and the specific dynamics of the Kootenay housing market. And can help reccomend builders that make your journey smooth and fun! In conclusion, crafting your dream home in the Kootenay's is a rewarding journey filled with choices. Understanding the distinctions between construction draw financing and completion mortgages empowers you to make a well-informed decision. Whether you seek hands-on control or a smoother process with savings flexibility, the right mortgage solution awaits, enabling you to turn your vision into reality in the captivating landscape of BC, Canada.



The Significance of Interest Rate Holds in Today's Market

s and intricacies. In this article, we'll unravel the pivotal role that interest rate holds play in your quest for real estate ownership in today's dynamic market. ### Interest Rate Holds: The Key to Informed Decision-Making In the realm of real estate, securing a property goes beyond location and aesthetics. It hinges on making informed financial decisions that align with your long-term goals. An interest rate hold, often referred to as a rate lock, emerges as a powerful tool to achieve this objective. * **Shelter from Rate Fluctuations** Interest rates are subject to market fluctuations, and even minor shifts can significantly impact your mortgage payments. An interest rate hold allows you to "lock in" a specific rate for a defined period, shielding you from sudden rate increases during that time. This proactive measure offers predictability in an unpredictable market. * **Budgeting with Precision** When you're planning your real estate purchase, having a clear understanding of your future mortgage payments is essential. An interest rate hold empowers you to calculate these payments accurately, giving you the confidence to budget and make sound financial decisions. * **Navigating Competitive Markets** In today's competitive real estate landscape, acting swiftly is often crucial. An interest rate hold provides you with the advantage of time – you can shop for properties, negotiate terms, and finalize your purchase knowing that the locked-in rate shields you from market fluctuations. * **Strategic Decision-Making** Interest rate holds open the door to strategic decision-making. You have the flexibility to explore different property options, consider various mortgage terms, and assess potential renovations, all while knowing that your locked-in rate remains unchanged. * **Partnering with Professionals** Securing an interest rate hold is not a solitary endeavor. Your relationship with a trusted mortgage broker becomes pivotal. A knowledgeable broker can guide you through the process, ensuring that your interest rate hold aligns with your financial objectives. * **A Holistic Approach to Real Estate** Real estate acquisition extends beyond a transaction – it's an investment in your future. An interest rate hold allows you to approach this investment with a holistic view, accounting for financial stability, long-term planning, and the potential for growth. ### Conclusion: Navigating Your Real Estate Odyssey The journey to real estate ownership is a profound and rewarding one. In the midst of a dynamic market, interest rate holds emerge as a strategic tool to empower you with stability, informed decision-making, and the freedom to explore property options without the fear of sudden rate hikes. As you embark on this journey, remember that every choice you make shapes your real estate narrative. A trusted mortgage broker is your partner in making these choices wisely. By securing an interest rate hold, you take charge of your financial destiny, paving the way for a prosperous real estate future.



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